Yet, to Draco, the most jarring change was her eyes. The emeralds behind her wire-frame glasses were gaunt, distinctly lacking their former bright twinkle. It was the same look he had seen on the faces of the majority of the Gryffindor students. It was the look of hopelessness.
As he slowly approached, her head swiveled in his direction and he suddenly felt a small urge to duck behind the nearest bed, above which floated the corpse of a blackened smoky ghost that was sporting pigtails and thick horn-rimmed glasses. If Harry's piercing green gaze hadn't been boring holes into his head, he would have surely stopped to gawk.
Draco paused and stepped backwards nervously, not wanting to be on the receiving end of one of her many nasty jinxes.
Raising an eyebrow, Harry closed her book, swung her feet off the bed so she could face him properly, and gave him a look that quite plainly said, 'this had better be good.'