Recurrence is the approximate return of a system towards its initial conditions.
Percy swiveled in his chair to kindly point out to whoever had been looking over his shoulder that he wasn't squeamish at all. It was just… he didn’t enjoy seeing illustrations of children having their heart cut out.
However, he wasn’t at all prepared to find an enormous pair of brown eyes mere inches away from his face.
Percy jumped away from the sweet-smelling girl that was invading his personal space. “Erm… hello there.”
Pushing her large, red glasses up the bridge of her softly-pointed nose, the girl stood up, allowing him to see her in full. She was tall, relatively thin, had long, mousy-brown hair, and looked to be roughly his age, despite the childish grin plastered across her face. All in all, she could have been considered plain were it not for her eyes, the likes of which he had never seen before. The stunningly beautiful, brown orbs radiated a wealth of intelligence and self-confidence.
The girl held out her hand, which he tentatively shook.
“I do apologize for interrupting you. It’s just… I’m afraid I’m in a bit of a pickle. You see, I was separated from my younger brothers and I can’t seem to find them anywhere. I’m not quite used to this world… and you look like a nice, normal bloke… so I… well, I thought I might ask you for help.”