lol character creator programs
Illustrations for my multi novel-length Fem!H/G fic: A Butterfly Effect- which can be found at www.fanfiction.net -Some are my own creations. Most are adaptations of other much better art. I change, photoshop, and paint on other fanartist's work. All non-commission. I GIVE CREDIT WHENEVER I CAN FIND THE ILLUSTRATOR. Click and zoom all pics for ++ detail
About half way through the class, he noticed that Potter had fallen asleep in the back of the room. Oh how he would enjoy giving her a zero. It was so rare that he found an occasion to do so. Weasley saw his feral smirk and stared nervously at the sleeping girl. He nudged Granger, who nudged Potter… who didn't wake up.
"Weasley… Granger… eyes on your potions. There will be time enough for nudging and footsies later." The two students blushed furiously and Severus turned to the board so he could hide his smirk.
At the end of the class he handed each student a small vial. He awakened Potter as rudely as he could with a rapid disillusionment charm and a finite incantem. The two spells were most unsettling if done in quick enough succession.
Potter looked miserable and tired. He almost felt pity for her and her ridiculous Potter hair. He would make this short and sweet. "Potter you first."
She shook her head sadly. "My antidote isn't finished yet sir. I have to take a zero."
He grinned. "That remains to be seen Potter… take the poison and drink your antidote."
"Sir…" said Potter questioningly, "that could… that could rupture my stomach. I haven't added batwing or thistle. I'd rather take the zero."
"You will do as I say."
Potter glared at him with Lily's eyes and resolutely muttered, "No."
She flipped the Hourglass.
Ginny’s sweet smelling strawberry hair beat against her face like hammer blows as it whipped in the wind; the lining of the redhead’s knickers brushed against the fabric of her own; Harry’s center rubbed against the shaft of the broomstick. Everything was arousing her immensely and she needed to find the tracks quickly before she lost control. She scanned the ground that was inches from her face as heat built between her legs quicker than it ever had before. “I see them,” panted Harry heavily spotting a long stretch of scarlet. “That way.”
Ginny shot off in the direction Harry pointed.
And Harry came as the broom lurched. She closed her eyes and pressed herself against Ginny’s back, trying to stay as silent as possible as she rode out the blissful explosion. Strawberries danced on the tip of her tongue; her face flushing red as wave after wave pulsed through her body. A little moan escaped her lips, falling into Ginny’s blouse. “Gi… R-Ron.”
“What?” shouted Ginny above the wind.
“N-Nothing,” Harry yelled back to her. “I… I said go faster.” Shaking her head, she returned her magic to her core, her body still shuddering from the aftermath.
Original art by iberghol on deviantart
Lots of editing on Harry.
Don't laugh at my couch.
Harry felt rather wonderful at the moment, snug in her new clothes and her Weasley jumper. So wonderful in fact that she found it slightly difficult to concentrate on the chess game that levitated above her lap. It wasn’t the clothes that were doing the distracting however. It was Ron… or rather… where Ron was. Instead of sitting on the other side of the board, he sat behind her… head over her shoulder, his stomach pressing into her back.
She had always enjoyed his embrace… this specific embrace as she would lean on his broadened chest. But today, it was different… better. She pushed herself back into his arms.
“Give up?” asked Ron with a laugh, taking her knight and rubbing her shoulder consolingly.
Harry only had three pieces left to his five. “Not yet.” I lost… but I think I’m going to sit here for just a little bit longer. She let her head fall back onto his shoulder and entwined their fingers, smiling up at him. The way he had stepped in between Draco and herself… it just meant more than it had before. My savior… my knight… my best mate… my… very handsome best mate. She dragged his arm around her waist.
Ron tensed, looking apprehensive and nervous as Harry stared into his crystal clear sky blue eyes. A butterfly flapped its wings in her stomach. Her eyelids fluttered closed. She slowly inched forward.
Ginny’s voice echoed down the stairs from their room.
“Oi!” Harry cried with a laugh. She pulled out a purple volume from the shelf and sat down, leaning into Ginny’s chest. “So who’s Gilderoy Lockhart and why has he put little hearts all over the front of a book called Voyages with Vampires?”
Ginny laughed heartily and ran the comb through Harry’s hair. “Oh he’s such a ponce, but Mum loves to read his books. Every single one is a tribute to how fantastic he thinks he is. And you know, I read in there that he says he was fighting off vampires in June of 1987, and then in Troubles with Trolls he says he was fighting trolls at the exact same time. Makes me think it’s all a load of bollocks.”
“Sounds like a git.” Harry turned the page and the ridiculously winning and handsome face of Gilderoy Lockhart was suddenly staring up at them. “Oh wow… he is a good looking git though isn’t he?”
Ginny sighed dreamily. “Yeah. It’s why Mum is such a fan. I find myself staring at that picture quite a lot too.”
“I can understand that… I mean… just look at his bum,” Harry said, giggling as she shut the book.
“Trust me… I’ve seen it.”