Original art by iberghol on deviantart
Lots of editing on Harry.
Don't laugh at my couch.
Harry felt rather wonderful at the moment, snug in her new clothes and her Weasley jumper. So wonderful in fact that she found it slightly difficult to concentrate on the chess game that levitated above her lap. It wasn’t the clothes that were doing the distracting however. It was Ron… or rather… where Ron was. Instead of sitting on the other side of the board, he sat behind her… head over her shoulder, his stomach pressing into her back.
She had always enjoyed his embrace… this specific embrace as she would lean on his broadened chest. But today, it was different… better. She pushed herself back into his arms.
“Give up?” asked Ron with a laugh, taking her knight and rubbing her shoulder consolingly.
Harry only had three pieces left to his five. “Not yet.” I lost… but I think I’m going to sit here for just a little bit longer. She let her head fall back onto his shoulder and entwined their fingers, smiling up at him. The way he had stepped in between Draco and herself… it just meant more than it had before. My savior… my knight… my best mate… my… very handsome best mate. She dragged his arm around her waist.
Ron tensed, looking apprehensive and nervous as Harry stared into his crystal clear sky blue eyes. A butterfly flapped its wings in her stomach. Her eyelids fluttered closed. She slowly inched forward.
Ginny’s voice echoed down the stairs from their room.
1 comment:
This, is actually a REALLY GOOD drawing, and quite a bit how I pictured harriet... Not RON tho, but maybe....
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