Saturday, November 27, 2010

Chapter 16: The First Night

original by Miyata-takao on DA

The illustrator said the proportions are all off and while that's slightly true, I think it works because Tom is tall and sixteen while Harry is twelve and a shrimp.

Ginny wrapped her arms around the girl, breathing in the fresh piney scent of her hair. The ache that constantly plagued her chest was suddenly soothed. "Then don't, Harry. Gods, I was alone with Tom for so long and… he was so cruel. I… I need you to stay. Please stay with me."

"I will," Harry whispered brokenly. "Always. I... I can't do this life without you, Gin. I'm not... I'm not strong enough. When I saw your body in the Chamber, I… I as good as died with you."

Ginny placed a light kiss upon her best friend's jaw. "I held on as long as I could to keep him from going after you and my brothers, but Tom got stronger as I got weaker. I'm so glad he was pompous enough to wait for you. I still can't believe you beat him."

"He hurt you," Harry said matter-of-factly, rolling over onto her back. "He had to pay. I would have done whatever I needed to do. But it was really all thanks to Alice."

Ginny cuddled into Harry's side, resting her cheek on the girl's soft sweet-smelling skin. "Where is she anyway?"

Harry closed her eyes and sank back into the pillow. "Reconnecting with Frances, I expect. Tonight is the first night she's been able to fit through the portrait hole, but she won't be her normal size for another week."

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