Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ch 5: Missing Christmas

Original Pic by Gredandforge. In my opinion the greatest fanart creater on earth.

This was difficult. I had to change boy harry into girl harry. You could still see his original hairline underneath the pencil so i smeared sharpie with some spit to blur it out. :)

10 points to SLYTHERIN for ingenious use of bodily fluids.

Harry and Ron, dressed in pajama bottoms and their Weasley jumpers, were lying on the rug in front of her, lazily playing a game of chess. Harry wasn't paying much attention to the game though and Ron was slaughtering her. Her thoughts were far away; back at The Burrow.

"Cheer up Harry." Ron must have been reading her mind... either that or I look miserable. "You can write to her all you want the next few days. No classes until Monday." He paused as Hermione began to snore. "Besides… you still have me around."

Harry laughed, but only half heartedly. Ron's face flickered in unhappiness for a split second. Even though the look had been quick, Harry didn't miss it. She sighed, sat up and punched his arm. "Don't be like that."

click and zoom to see my spit!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Five points from SLYTHERIN for use of such vulgar speaking in front of a Professor...

...Weasley!!! Fifteen points from GRYFFINDOR for not using proper etiquette when touching a lady...
Hands off Miss Potter ..now.

*Ron mumbles Greasy git*