Smiling up at her, the older redhead, voice whistling through the gaps in her teeth, whispered quietly, “You don’t have to. Forwards or backwards… we’ll follow you whichever way you decide to go. Just don’t leave us behind, ‘kay?”
Harry nodded rapidly. “I won’t, Ginny.”
Ginny grinned toothily and jumped on her back, demanding in an excited voice, “Piggy-back ride!”
Harry laughed, wrapped her arms around the small girl’s legs, stood up, and stepped off the dune. They walked for miles along the beach; Ginny singing nursery rhymes while Harry listened to the whisper. With every step along the sand, the urge to follow it became stronger.
Ginny tightened her arms around Harry’s shoulders. “You have to decide soon, Harry… There once was a wizard who sat on a stump, tra la dee, tra la doo, tra la dee!”
Harry stopped to stare out at the magnificent ocean. “But… Which way should I go, Gin?”
Ginny let out a giggle and shrugged. “Doesn’t matter… you have people that want you on both sides… His bum found a rather uncomfortable bump, tra la dee, tra la doo, tra la dee!”
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