About half way through the class, he noticed that Potter had fallen asleep in the back of the room. Oh how he would enjoy giving her a zero. It was so rare that he found an occasion to do so. Weasley saw his feral smirk and stared nervously at the sleeping girl. He nudged Granger, who nudged Potter… who didn't wake up.
"Weasley… Granger… eyes on your potions. There will be time enough for nudging and footsies later." The two students blushed furiously and Severus turned to the board so he could hide his smirk.
At the end of the class he handed each student a small vial. He awakened Potter as rudely as he could with a rapid disillusionment charm and a finite incantem. The two spells were most unsettling if done in quick enough succession.
Potter looked miserable and tired. He almost felt pity for her and her ridiculous Potter hair. He would make this short and sweet. "Potter you first."
She shook her head sadly. "My antidote isn't finished yet sir. I have to take a zero."
He grinned. "That remains to be seen Potter… take the poison and drink your antidote."
"Sir…" said Potter questioningly, "that could… that could rupture my stomach. I haven't added batwing or thistle. I'd rather take the zero."
"You will do as I say."
Potter glared at him with Lily's eyes and resolutely muttered, "No."
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